Soy-Free Chick Starter
- Premium Non-GMO Soy-Free Chick Starter with 22% protein
- Ground to a smaller size perfect for freshly hatched chicks
- Contains crucial essential oils & herbs with antibiotic qualities
- Contains probiotics to fight disease
- Contains diatomaceous earth to help fight parasites
- Not Medicated
- Grown and produced locally in Maryland by a Family Farm
Ingredients: Non-GMO Sunflower Meal, Non-GMO Corn, Non-GMO Wheat, Ernst Grain Poultry Mineral and Vitamin Premix, Fish Meal, Palm Oil, Kelp, Salt, Linseed Oil, Diatomaceous Earth, Probiotics: Safmannan & Integral, Natural Essential Oil & Herbal Supplement Feeding Directions: Feed as a sole ration for chicks. Provide plenty of clean, fresh water. Do not feed moldy or insect infested feed. Switch to Homestead Harvest Non-GMO Soy-Free Pastured Poultry Grower after the birds are 4-6 weeks old. Available in 40 lb. bags.
This blend of Non-GMO grains is ground to a smaller size perfect for those freshly hatched chicks. This feed is not medicated, but does contain crucial essential oils and herbs with natural antibiotic tendencies, as well as probiotics to fight disease. Help your chicks have a healthy jumpstart on life with this premium starter feed.
Great food chicks love it, easy to order and pickup.
Great food chicks love it, easy to order and pickup.