Mezcla de capas de cereales integrales
- Mezcla de capas de cereales integrales sin OGM
- Alimento completo para ponedoras fortificado con minerales y calcio adicional
- Alto nivel de aceite de linaza (lino) para producir huevos enriquecidos con omega-3
- Contiene tierra de diatomeas para ayudar a combatir los parásitos.
- Cultivado y producido localmente en Maryland por una granja familiar.
Maíz sin OGM, soja tostada sin OGM, trigo sin OGM, conchas de ostras, alfalfa sin OGM, aceite negro de girasol sin OGM, premezcla de vitaminas y minerales de grano Ernst, aceite de linaza sin OGM, algas marinas, sal, tierra de diatomeas , Probióticos: Safmannan & Integral, Aceite Esencial Natural y Suplemento Herbal
Instrucciones de alimentación:
Alimente desde el momento en que se pone el primer huevo durante todo el tiempo de producción de huevos. Proporcione mucha agua limpia y fresca. No alimente piensos mohosos o infestados de insectos.
Disponible en 40 libras. bolsas
Esta mezcla de granos partidos es un alimento completo para pollos sin OGM fortificado con minerales y calcio adicional para garantizar cáscaras de huevo de calidad. Se agrega un nivel más alto de Omega-3 a través del aceite de linaza para producir huevos enriquecidos con Omega-3. También contiene tierra de diatomeas para ayudar a combatir los parásitos que puedan estar atacando a sus aves. Este alimento se puede administrar a cualquier tipo de ave ponedora, incluidas gallinas, patos y todo tipo de aves acuáticas.
I only buy feed from Ritter Farm because of all the extra beneficial stuff added to the feed. I like that my girls are eating actual chicken food and not the processed feed you get everywhere else. Our eggs taste soo much better with this feed.
Feed does great. All my chickens love it.
My flock has never been so happy, shiny and bright! They bounced out of winter so much faster than usual, and our egg production is up to almost early summer level, in early spring! It also smells amazing and looks like real food. We do ferment it, and feed the entire slurry to not lose any good stuff. They love it.
Whole Grain Layer Blend
Chicken love this
I only buy feed from Ritter Farm because of all the extra beneficial stuff added to the feed. I like that my girls are eating actual chicken food and not the processed feed you get everywhere else. Our eggs taste soo much better with this feed.
Feed does great. All my chickens love it.
My flock has never been so happy, shiny and bright! They bounced out of winter so much faster than usual, and our egg production is up to almost early summer level, in early spring! It also smells amazing and looks like real food. We do ferment it, and feed the entire slurry to not lose any good stuff. They love it.
Whole Grain Layer Blend
Chicken love this
I only buy feed from Ritter Farm because of all the extra beneficial stuff added to the feed. I like that my girls are eating actual chicken food and not the processed feed you get everywhere else. Our eggs taste soo much better with this feed.
Feed does great. All my chickens love it.
My flock has never been so happy, shiny and bright! They bounced out of winter so much faster than usual, and our egg production is up to almost early summer level, in early spring! It also smells amazing and looks like real food. We do ferment it, and feed the entire slurry to not lose any good stuff. They love it.
Whole Grain Layer Blend
Chicken love this